Evangelism and IncorporationDeveloping Leaders for EvangelismIn the mid 1990’s I hit a sort of crisis in my life. It was’t a crisis of faith, but it was most certainly a crisis of vocation. It might have been easier for me if that crisis had emerged as a bolt of lightning, jarring me from one world into the next. But this crisis happened much more insidiously, sneaking into my consciousness like a cat in the night. I am a life-long Episcopalian, and the awareness that was emerging within me, this dis-ease which was becoming ever-more present in my life, was that the Church in which I had been raised, the church where I was baptized and confirmed and ordained and at that point had been a priest in for about 10 years – that Church simply did not’t exist anymore. (Read more from the Vital Church blog) —Bob Honeychurch | | Share |